- Sport Virtual Set for Vmix Business Virtual Set for Vmix Business Virtual Set Ready-made vMix versions with everything you need (including config.xml file) in its own folder. This studio has Two Virtual Set versions (Business Virtual Set, Business Virtual Set Customizable (with PSD)). Each version is in its own.
- Pro quality virtual sets for vMix, TriCasters (using NewTek’s Virtual Set Editor) and most graphics and editing systems. By BAFTA award-winning broadcast designer. Every virtual studio set is available as a regular Photoshop version with all the layers grouped and named and arranged in the correct order.
VMix versions: Ready-made vMix versions - each in a separate folder that you can simply copy into your vMix 'Virtual Sets' location. To add a virtual set go to Add Input and choose virtual sets. Click Browse and navigate to the folder containing the virtual set and angle you'd like to load and click OK.
- Angle 1:
- - 1.Wide shot x1
- - 2.Medium shot x2
- - 3.Close-up shot x1
- Angle 2:
- - 2.Medium shot x2
- - 3.Close-up shot x2
- Background.psd:
- - LCD layer(Alpha) x2
- - Logo layer(Alpha) x2
- - Light layer(Alpha) x16
- - Background layer
- 1. Easy to customize the light-box color;
- 2. Real floor reflection;
- 3. The push-pull shots still maintains high-definition picture quality; (Source png file resolution: 4K)
- 4. Rich shot presets to meet basic needs.
- 1. Can be adjustable light-box color in Photoshop;
- 2. Can be add with your Logo / LCD in Photoshop;
- 3. Can be modify your anchor position / size in vMix;
- 4. Can be replaced with your anchor / screen video in vMix;
- The Anchor and Screen content from the image preview are not included, you can find them here:
Free Virtual Set
Vmix Virtual Background